In March 2022, Managing Director of Igniyte, Simon Wadsworth spoke to The Economist, a British weekly newspaper published digitally that focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, technology, and culture – on how companies spy on job candidates online.

You may never know why. The email will arrive, and reasons offered for your rejection might be the real ones—or not. Companies do not always like to admit that they have been scrolling through your Instagram or Twitter feed, noting drunken photos and off-colour jokes. Yet many, particularly the big ones, are doing just that. And in increasing numbers, they are acting on what they find when deciding whom to hire and whom to pass over.

The fact that a job application may lead to screening is “not necessarily communicated to candidates”, says Simon Wadsworth of Igniyte, a company that helps manage online reputations.

You can read the full article Companies are spying on job candidates online on The Economist.

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